Andri wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to BackupPC and I have a few questions that I hope some of you
might be able to answer.


How do I backup f.e. mySQL databases. Does anyone have a good addon
for BackupPC to access MySQL dumps. My other option is ofcourse to
make the dumps in crontab and make BackupPC grab it.


I have to have offsite backups and to do that I have an external USB
drive that is exchanged daily.

Why do I have to manually activate the 'Archive' and how do I restore
from it. It's lacking all the pretty frontend in the CGI interface and
makes me uneasy.


Can I activate the 'archive backup' automaticly at a given time, can't
find much about archives in the documentation.


I'd also like to hear success stories of implementations in different
infrastructures. F.e. how many machines, what's being backed up, how
offsite backups are being taken care of and such...

Best regards,

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Hello Andri,

I use a script run from cron daily to dump the MySQL databases. Seems like fairly standard practice. This is the script I use:

Like you, I intend to use BackupPC's archive feature to produce tar archives suitable for off-site backup on (several) external hard disks.

There are other ways to go about off-site backup, as discussed in great detail here frequently, but for now I prefer to keep it simple.

Although I haven't gotten around to looking at it yet, it should be strait forward to automate the archive process from cron. Just figure out the command you need to send to BackupPC.

I'm sure this was discussed on the list recently.

With regards to restoring from TAR, I have begun to write up (and test) some restore procedures for my own purposes here:

The first procedure is for a complete restore using the web-interface, but the second is for restoring from TAR. Works for me on Debian.

I should point out that quite probably my procedures are not perfect. I don't claim to be an expert on backup - it just seemed like a good idea to document by restore procedures in case I need them one day!

HTH, Andy

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