Title: Host Backup Summary questions

I backed up the share on a Windows 2000 Server via SMB, using BackupPC (BackupPC-2.1.2) on Fedora Core 4.

I am confused about the Host Backup Summary.

The share that I backed up contains 77,410 files and is 54GB (according to Windows 2000 server).

On the report (below) it looks like it only backed up 40,580 files and that it is 22848.9 MB. 

Am I reading the report wrong?

I can't seem to find any detailed information in the Documentation or FAQ about the Host Backup Summary and what the various totals represent.  I am trying to determine how much disk space that I am going to need before I implement a production system for BackupPC.

File Size/Count Reuse Summary

Existing files are those already in the pool; new files are those added to the pool. Empty files and SMB errors aren't counted in the reuse and new counts.

        Totals  Existing Files  New Files      
Backup#         Type    #Files  Size/MB         MB/sec  #Files  Size/MB         #Files  Size/MB        
0       full    40580   22848.9         3.11    4596    818.3   39489   22032.0        
1       incr    31      106.5   1.46    61      23.7    675     82.8   
2       incr    42      106.6   1.75    34      106.5   15      0.2    
3       incr    77      146.0   2.03    41      102.6   74      43.4   

Compression Summary

Compression performance for files already in the pool and newly compressed files.

        Existing Files  New Files      
Backup#         Type    Comp Level      Size/MB         Comp/MB         Comp    Size/MB         Comp/MB         Comp   

0       full    3       818.3   649.7   20.6%   22032.0         13288.0         39.7%  
1       incr    3       23.7    10.0    57.8%   82.8    66.8    19.3%  
2       incr    3       106.5   76.8    27.9%   0.2     0.0     82.5%  
3       incr    3       102.6   76.0    25.9%   43.4    17.8    58.9%  

Thanks for your assistance!

Glenn W. Tofte
IDCAG Information Systems Director

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