On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 08:29, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> > Putting perl code in the config file has some drawbacks. First, it won't
> > work with the new config editor (but that's not released yet).  Second,
> > any code that takes time to execute (eg: contacting a client to list its
> > modules) will make the CGI script run slowly since it is read on every
> > request specific to that client.
> thank God you're sensible about this, Craig. Entirely too many perl mongers
> have the idea that just because one can put perl script into a config file,
> that it should be done. (Witness the abominable config files for LogWatch).

I have to disagree on this one, although in a pure-perl app it
doesn't matter a lot and with a cgi interface you need to know
what executes every hit and what doesn't. MimeDefang is a great
example of where the config file being a snippet of perl allows
the local admin to easily do things no one else had even considered,
something that's impossible if all you can do is set some canned

> Other reasons to avoid scripts in config files:
> a. it makes the config confusing to read, even for those people who can
> write perl

It doesn't have to be confusing.  I'd rephrase your comment above
and say that just because it can be confusing doesn't mean it
should be.

> b. it's immediately discouraging to those of us who can't

Learning perl will save time for a system administrator. But
you should only need to know it to do things that would otherwise
not be possible at all. 

  Les Mikesell

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