Dan Pritts wrote:

> >         I am currently in the process of rebuilding my backuppc machine
> > give it some extra grunt. I was hoping to get peoples thoughts on what
> > linux distros are in use out there and who recommends what? The new
> > platform will be a dual core AMD Athlon64 running on a Nforce4
> > motherboard.
> i'd suggest you pay more attention to the disk subsystem than to the CPU
> power.  BackupPC uses lots of I/O resources.
> SCSI disks, or SATA with command queuing (ie, not all SATA disks), should
> help a lot witht he problem of backuppc having to issue a lot of disk
> others are on track regarding linux distros.  we use red hat and debian
> (and solaris, which is where i run backuppc) here.

I would agree that any modern Linux distro will do. For what is worth, and
to add to your confusion ;-), I use SuSE (10.0), and it works like a charm.
SuSE, by the way, works (and has done so for a long time) very well with
Athlon64 and Opteron CPUs. As for chipset, I have one running on a NForce4
mobo at home, and I've had no problems.

And yes, disks (and memory, depending on how many files you have) are more
important than anything else. For my recently installed backup server, I
was going to go with an Athlon64 on a Nforce4 motherboard, for cost
reasons, but the PCI bus there is limited to 32-bit/33 MHz. I finally
decided on an Opteron, which allows me to have a motherboard with PCI-X up
to 133 MHz, and 64 bit width. For RAID controllers, I'm using one 3ware
9500S-12 and one 3ware 8506-4, both of which are 66MHz/64-bit.

As for RAM, well, my situation may not be typical, but I have 2 GB on the
backup server and 3 GB on the client, and it seems I need more. True, I'm
backing up over 1 TB, and partitions are relatively large (~300 GB on


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