Hi Ken,

I too use Debian, and love it. I kept notes of how I set up BackupPC,
because I wanted to be able to repeat the setup process. My howto is

I'm not sure what an 'md' drive is, but here's how I move the BackupPC files
to a different location (in this case, a hard drive that's been mounted as

- Stop BackupPC:
     /etc/init.d/backuppc stop

 - Copy the BackupPC files to the new hard drive
     cp -a /var/lib/backuppc /backups

 - Delete the old files
     rm -r /var/lib/backuppc

 - Link the new location to the old location
     ln -s /backups/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc

 - Start BackupPC Again:
     /etc/init.d/backuppc start

Justin Best

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Walker
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 6:58 AM
To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [BackupPC-users] Help

I've just been searching for backup methods and came across backuppc, which
was described as easy to set up.

well I've install it on Debian, and its up and running, i've added a remote
machine to the hosts file, and it's just done a local machine backup.


I'm getting access denied errors on the local machine backup

I can't find where to change the backup location, i want it on a raid5 drive
and not on my operating system drive. 
It says it's putting them in /var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost/0 but i want
them on an md drive.

On the remote machine, can i just select specific folders to back up or is
it all or nothing.

Is there a 'simple get up and running' document anywhere ?

many thanks


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BackupPC-users mailing list

                   Configuring BackupPC on Debian Sarge
                             By Justin Best


This howto document is prepared primarily to give myself a record of how my 
BackupPC machines are configured so that in the event that something goes 
wrong, I can fix it easier.

For hardware, I'm finding great success with very minimal hardware 
requirements. I'm using a P3-666 machine for the BackupPC server. I've read 
that BackupPC does tend to like lots of RAM, so I've go the system at 512MB. 
Hard disk size is dependent on your individual requirements.

I hope this document is helpful to you in your situation. Feel free to give me 
a shout if you're having trouble and I'll do what I can to assist.

Justin Best

Install Debian

To install Debian, go ahead and download a Debian NetInstall CD from 
www.debian.org. At the time of writing, the latest stable release of the Debian 
linux distribution is 3.1 (Sarge).

You'll want to download the .iso file listed as the "Official netinst image" 
for the i386 architecture. If you aren't familiar with how to use .iso files, 
please see http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#what-is.

Here is a direct link to download the image for the i386 platform:

Once you've downloaded the .iso and burned it to a CD, simply put it in the 
drive and boot the computer, the same as if you were installing windows. If all 
was done properly, the Debian installer will come up.

To properly install Debain, you'll need the following settings:

 - Hostname: bs-pc000 (where 000 is a unique number to idenfity this PC)

 - Domain Name: domain.tld (should come up automatically via DHCP)

 - Partitioning: erase entire disk IDE1 master (hda)

 - Partitioning Scheme: All files in one partition

 - Boot loader: Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record.

Once you've finished installing the Debian base system, the CD is ejected from 
the drive. Remove it, and hit enter to reboot the system.

Once the system reboots, you'll need the following settings:

 - Time Zone: Pacific

 - root password: See Justin Best for information about this

As soon as you are finished setting the root password, you will be prompted to 
create an account for non-administrative privileges. At this point, choose 
Cancel. This will take you to the Debian base system configuration menu

Next, we need to choose a server to download additional software packages from. 
From the Debian base system configuration menu:

 - choose "Configure apt"

 - Access method: "http"

 - Mirror country: United States

 - Mirror to download software from: mirrors.kernel.org

 - HTTP Proxy: none (leave blank)

 - Once the system has finished communicating with the mirror, choose Yes to add
   another apt source. Use the same settings as before, but this time choose a
   different mirror (such as debian.oregonstate.edu)

 - Once the system is done communicating with the second mirror, choose No

 - Download security updates: Yes

Once the base system configuration menu is displayed again, choose "Finish 
configuring the base system"

Enable Remote Access

Throughout this configuration process, we'll need to edit a good number of text 
files. I've found that the copy-and-past method works significantly better than 
retyping for this type of thing.

To install SSH:

 - Log in to the system as 'root'
 - Enter the following command:
     apt-get install ssh

 - Allow SSH protocol 2 only: Yes

 - Install with SUID: Yes

 - Run the sshd server: Yes

Next, download PuTTY on your Windows machine:

 - PuTTY doesn't need need to be installed. Just double-click the .exe file
   to open the program
 - You'll need the IP address of your BackupPC machine. Get it by typing:
   at the console.

 - Type the IP address of your BackupPC machine under "Host Name (or IP Address)
   then click "Open".
 - When the black screen comes up, log in as root.

To copy text while logged in with PuTTY, drag your mouse to select an area of 
the screen, and then left-click the selection. Similarly, to paste text, 
right-click with your mouse at any time. Be careful, pasting text has the same 
effect as entering commands on the keyboard!

Install additional software

I like using VIM to edit text files. If you're not familiar with the VI editor, 
you may prefer to use something simpler, like Nano. Let's install both now:

 - Log in to the system as 'root'

 - To install VIM, type:
     apt-get install vim

 - To install Nano, type:
     apt-get install nano

 - Install less, a useful command-line tool:
     apt-get install less

Install BackupPC

To Install & configure BackupPC:

 - enter the command:
     apt-get install backuppc

 - enable suExec: Yes

 - Workgroup/Domain Name: DOMAIN

 - Use Password Encryption: Yes
 - Modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP: No

 - Add aliases for /backuppc/ to your apache config files: Yes

 - Change the password to BackupPC by typing the following commmand:
     htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd backuppc

Add a second hard drive (optional)

Because BackupPC benefits from a file system known as "ReiserFS", and because I 
find it nice to have a hard drive dedicated entirely to storing backup files, 
I've been in the habit of adding a second hard drive to all my BackupPC 
servers. I've been using 200GB IDE hard drives for this purpose. I've found 
that 200GB enough to keep a very large number of backups (15 desktops times 4 
backups each only ends up being about 40GB).

Go ahead and shut the computer down:

 - log in as 'root'

 - type the following command:
     shutdown -hP now

 - when the system is ready, turn the power off

Next, plug in the physical hard drive and power the system back on. Check in 
the BIOS to make sure the hard drive has been recognized by the system (don't 
worry if the BIOS thinks the hard drive is smaller than it actually is, Linux 
seems to take care of BIOS size limitations.)

To prepare the second hard drive:

 - Install ReiserFS with the following command:
     apt-get install reiserfsprogs

 - Partition the Hard Drive by by typing:
     fdisk /dev/hdb

 - delete any existing partitions by typing 'd' and pressing enter until the
   message "No partition is defined yet!" is displayed

 - type 'n' and hit enter to create a new partition

 - type 'p' and press enter

 - type '1' and press enter

 - press enter twice to choose the default values for start and end cylinders

 - type 'w' and press enter to write the new partitioning scheme to disk

 - Format the hard drive using the following command:
     mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hdb1

Once the hard drive is formatted, we'll need to add some additional information 
to our file system table in order to access it

 - Enter the following commands:
     mkdir /backups
     nano /etc/fstab

 - Add a new line on the end of the file that says:
     /dev/hdb1       /backups        reiserfs defaults       0       0
   So that your file looks something like this:
     # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
     # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
     proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
     /dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0     1
     /dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       0
     /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
     /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0
     /dev/hdb1       /backups        reiserfs defaults       0       0

 - Save the file and exit.

Once this is done, reboot the system.

To check and make sure that the hard disk is properly configured, type 'df'. 
You should get an output listing /dev/hdb1, like this:
     Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
     /dev/hda1             14128684    344900  13066084   3% /
     tmpfs                   258204         0    258204   0% /dev/shm
     /dev/hdb1            195352432     33560 195318872   1% /backups

Since the hard drive is up and running properly, let's move the BackupPC files 
onto it:

 - Stop BackupPC:
     /etc/init.d/backuppc stop

 - Copy the BackupPC files to the new hard drive
     cp -a /var/lib/backuppc /backups

 - Delete the old files
     rm -r /var/lib/backuppc

 - Link the new location to the old location
     ln -s /backups/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc

 - Start BackupPC Again:
     /etc/init.d/backuppc start

 - Here are all those commands in a row (so you can easily cut-and-paste)
/etc/init.d/backuppc stop
cp -a /var/lib/backuppc /backups
rm -r /var/lib/backuppc
ln -s /backups/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc
/etc/init.d/backuppc start

Configure BackupPC to allow Active Directory users (optional)

In order to allow users to authenticate using their regular windows accounts, 
we'll want to be able to interact with the windows servers.

We'll need to install some new software to get there:

 - Enter the following command:
     apt-get install samba

 - How do you want to run Samba: daemons

 - Create samba pasword database: Yes

 - Enter the following command:
     apt-get install winbind

Next, we'll need to adjust some configuration files.

 - Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf, and change
     passwd:         compat
     group:          compat
     shadow:         compat
     passwd:         compat winbind
     group:          compat winbind
     shadow:         compat winbind

 - edit /etc/samba/smb.conf, and enter the following settings under [global]
   (replace: DOMAIN with your domain, PDC.DOMAIN.TLD with the ip
   address of the primary DC at this site, BDC.DOMAIN.TLD with the ip
   address of a secondary domain controller to use in case the first one is
   unavailable, and DOMAIN.TLD with your realm DOMAIN and TLD)
     winbind cache time = 10
     winbind enum users = yes
     winbind enum groups = yes
     winbind use default domain = yes
     winbind trusted domains only = no
     password server = PDC.DOMAIN.TLD BDC.DOMAIN.TLD
     realm = DOMAIN.TLD
     security = ads
     idmap uid = 10000-20000
     idmap gid = 10000-20000
     template shell = /bin/bash
     template homedir = /home/%D/%U
     obey pam restrictions = yes
   The following settings are needed in smb.conf, but should already be there:
     workgroup = DOMAIN
     encrypt passwords = true

 - Join the linux server to the domain:
     net ads join -U administrator
   You will probably get a lot of errors, such as:
     get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password
     Client not found in Kerberos database
   Don't worry about these errors, what's important is the end result of joining
   the domain. You should receive the message:
     Joined 'BS-PC000' to realm 'DOMAIN.TLD'

You may wish to allow domain users to log on to the system. This is dangerous, 
because your domain password is going to be stored in a plain text 
configuration file later on. There's always a risk that someone with a domain 
account might sit down and log in to the BackupPC machine, and then look at the 
file where your password is stored. The way to get around this would be to use 
pam_succeed_if.so, unfortunately, Debian does doesn't seem to include this 
module at this time. So, at present, this configuration is dangerous, and I 
don't employ it. However, I spent a good long time figuring out how to make it 
work before realizing that it was dangerous, so here's how to do it if you're 
OK with the security risk:

 - Make a backup copy of the pam.d directory
     cp -a /etc/pam.d /etc/pam.d.bak

 - Add the following lines to THE TOP OF /etc/pam.d/login:
     #Settings to allow domain-based logins
     auth        sufficient    pam_winbind.so
     account     sufficient    pam_winbind.so
     password    sufficient    pam_winbind.so use_authtok
     session     required      pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022

 - Create a home directory to be used for domain-based login accounts
     mkdir /home/DOMAIN

 - Give the domain account 'administrator' root access to the linux system
     adduser administrator root

 - Reboot the machine

One of the unfortunate side-effects of this configuration is that it prompts 
for a password twice if you're logging in to the console of the local system as 
'root'. We could add the parameter 'use_first_pass' to pam_unix.so under 
common-auth... but the way the debian configuration files are set up, this 
breaks some other stuff like SSH login.

On the positive side, with this configuration, it works to log on locally to 
the using a domain OR unix account, but SSH only allows a UNIX account.

In any case, at this point you should be able to log in using one of your 
domain accounts. If you are unable to do so, check to see that your machine can 
interface with Active Directory:

 - The following command:
     getent group | grep justinb
   should return a list of the groups that justinb is a member of

Next, we'll need to set BackupPC to allow Active Directory users to access the 
web interface.

 - Enter the following commands:
     apt-get install libapache-mod-auth-pam

 - edit /etc/pam.d/httpd and comment out the existing code while adding the 
   proper "auth" and "account" lines, so that the file looks like this:
     #Settings to allow domain-based logins
     auth       required     pam_winbind.so service=system-auth
     account    required     pam_permit.so

     [EMAIL PROTECTED] common-auth
     [EMAIL PROTECTED] common-account

 - Add the line "AuthPAM_Enabled on" to /etc/backuppc/apache.conf, so that it 
   looks like this:
     Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/

     <Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/>
             AllowOverride None                                                 
             Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
             AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
             DirectoryIndex index.cgi

             AuthGroupFile /etc/backuppc/htgroup
             AuthUserFile /etc/backuppc/htpasswd
             AuthPAM_Enabled on
             AuthType basic
             AuthName "BackupPC admin"
             require valid-user

 - Re-start the server:

I've created a group in the Windows Server Active Directory called 
'backuppcadmins', however, we'll need to make sure it is acknowledged properly 
by the BackupPC software:

 - edit /etc/backuppc/config.pl 

 - set $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = 'backuppcadmins'

Configure BackupPC

The configuration for BackupPC is stored primarily in two files:
 - config.pl is the general configuration for the program
 - hosts defines what to back up, and who to email if a backup fails

Here are the settings to modify for /etc/backuppc/config.pl:
 - Set the name of your backup server:
     $Conf{ServerHost} = 'bs-pc000.domain.tld';
   Be sure to make sure to use regular apostrophe characters ( ' ) around the
   bs-pc000 part. Debian's install uses weird ` characters by default, which
   don't work properly.

 - Tell BackupPC to keep 10 full backups of each PC: the 4 weekly backups,
   4 monthlys and 2 semi-annual backups:
     $Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 2];

 - Consider a host as "out of network" if the ping takes over 4 ms:
     $Conf{PingMaxMsec} = 4;

 - Set the "from" address for emails sent from BackupPC:
     $Conf{EMailFromUserName} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

 - Set the destination for administrative emails from BackupPC:
     $Conf{EMailAdminUserName} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
 - Set the domain part for outgoing email messages:
     $Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} = '@domain.tld';

 - Define who BackupPC should consider to be "administrators"
     $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = 'backuppcadmins';
     $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}     = 'administrator';

 - Define how to construct an email address:
     $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate}     = 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

 - Define how to log in to the PC you're backing up.
     $Conf{SmbShareUserName} = 'DOMAIN\Administrator';
     $Conf{SmbSharePasswd} = 'Your Password Goes Here';

 - Save the file

>From there, put the list of the machines whose C: you'd like to back up inside
the /etc/backuppc/hosts file, like this:

     localhost   0       justinb
     ao-pc121    0       ericm                 # Eric Miller's OptiPlex GX280
     ao-pc122    0       nikkih                # Nikki Hansell's OptiPlex GX280

Configure DNS

We'll want to make sure that the server is accessible via the proper dns name 
(i.e. bs-pc000.domain.tld). Here's how:
 - You'll need to get the MAC address of your network card. Type:
     ifconfig | grep HWaddr

 - Configure a DHCP reservation for that MAC, which makes sure that the BackupPC
   machine will always have the same IP address.

 - Configure yoru local DNS server to resolve bs-pc000.domain.tld to the
   IP address that we set in the reservation.

Configure Automatic Updates

Like any other operating system, flaws are discovered in Debian which could 
lead to security breaches. In order to keep things secure, it's important to 
keep your system up-to-date. Here's how:

First, configure the mail transfer agent so you can get status messages via 

 - Type the following command:

 - Configure the Mail Transfer Agent:

 - Split configuration into small files: No

 - General type of mail configuration: mail sent by smarthost; no local mail

 - System mail name: domain.tld

 - IP-addresses to listen on for incoming SMTP connections:

 - Other destinations for which mail is accepted: localhost.localdomain

 - Visible domain name for local users: domain.tld

 - Machine handling outgoing mail for this host (smarthost): server4.domain.tld

 - Root and postmaster mail recipient: real-

 - Finish configuring the base system

Next, let's install cron-apt so that we are automatically notified of upgrades 
to Debian that need to be installed.

 - Enter the following command:
     apt-get install cron-apt

 - Edit /etc/cron-apt/config, and:
   change the line that says:
     # MAILTO="root"
   so that it says:
   change the line that says:
     # MAILON="error"
   so that it says:

 - Edit the /etc/cron.d/cron-apt and set a new schedule for updates, if desired

Once a day, your system will check for upgrades to packages. Whenever an update 
or patch is released, you'll receive an email. When you do, you'll want to log 
in and enter the command 'apt-get upgrade' to install the update.


Integrated Logon Support using Winbind:

Linux-Active Directory-Apache Integration With PAM

Linux integration with Active Directory Authentication

Linux-Windows Single Sign-On

Join Linux to Active Directory with Winbind

Debian Network install from a minimal CD


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