"Justin Best" writes:

> > When Outlook is running, the PST file is locked and the backup fails
> I've been going with the assumption that this error was due to the
> apostrophe in the PST file name, since I *thought* the error disappeared
> when I renamed "Madalyn's Personal Folders.pst" to "Madalyns Personal
> Folders.pst". I've since discovered that I was wrong.
> See attached log file for details. The error occurs consistently when
> BackupPC tries to back up this particular PST file, and can't because the
> PST file is locked. I get a ton of weird garbage in the log immediately
> following the attempt to back up the PST file.
> How do I go about troubleshooting this? My next guess is that it's related
> to the large size of the PST file in question. (> 2GB)  

Yes.  It's a bug in smbclient.

The problem is that smbclient emits the tar header (including the
file's size) before it notices the file is locked and cannot be
read.  It's too late at that point to omit the file from the
tar archive.  So it fills the tar archive with dummy data.
BackupPC notices the error message and removes the file,
since it just contains 0x0 data.

Looking at samba 3.0.7 (an old version, but the latest I have
around), samba-3.0.7/source/client/clitar.c does this:

    /* pad tar file with zero's if we couldn't get entire file */
    if (nread < finfo.size) {
        DEBUG(0, ("Didn't get entire file. size=%.0f, nread=%d\n",
                                (double)finfo.size, (int)nread));
        if (padit(data, sizeof(data), finfo.size - nread))
                DEBUG(0,("Error writing tar file - %s\n", strerror(errno)));

and padit() is:

    static int padit(char *buf, int bufsize, int padsize)

Notice the padsize is an int, so above 2GB (your file is just
over 2GB), it is negative!

For a start, if you make padsize an unsigned int then you
should be good to 4GB.  But the real fix is to make padsize's
type SMB_BIG_UINT, which should be 64 bits on most modern
machines.  You should also file a bug and patch with samba.


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