In the message dated: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 17:17:21 EST,
The pithy ruminations from Dan Pritts on 
<Re: [BackupPC-users] escaping command line options> were:
=> You might look into SELinux capabilities if you're running Linux.
=> Solaris 10 has some similar features:
=> more as an answer to your question, try implementing this thing
=> in perl.  It's better suited to the kind of string processing you're
=> doing.
=> Maybe this:
=>      #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
=>      if ( $cmd =~ /[*|?{~\(\[\$\`]/ ) {
=>              die "error, unallowed character in command string\n"

It may be better to specify the list of allowed characters, rather than the 
reverse. Try:
        if ( $cmd !~ /^[\w\d\.-]+$/ ) {
to allow just letters, numbers, underscore (part of \w), dash, and period.

=>      }       
=>      if ( $cmd =~ /^\/usr\/bin\/rsync --server/ ) {
=>              # for more security, split this into an array and exec
=>              # the array, that will prevent it from being run by a subshell
=>              exec "$cmd";
=>      }
=>      die "error, command didn\'t start  /usr/bin/rsync --server";

In thinking about this more, I'd like to get a clearer idea of the goal of the 
script. If I understand it correctly, the intent is to allow untrusted users to 
initiate backups of subsets of a client machine on which they have an account.

If this is correct, then here's an alternative proposal....

Have the wrapper script simply be something like:
        #! /bin/sh
        /usr/bin/rsync --server --port 10873 $*
(Obviously, the corresponding backup process on the BackupPC server will need 
to include the same port specification.)

However, the ssh connection, and the script, will be run as the untrusted user, 
not as root. In this case, the user will only be able to backup files that 
they'd otherwise have permission to read from the shell. 

The question of allowing users to restore only their own files, without the 
ability to access files that they couldn't read from the shell, is another 


=> This probably has syntax errors and i've probably missed some 
=> metacharacter that you should exclude.
=> danno

Mark Bergman
Seeking a Unix/Linux sysadmin position local to Philadelphia or via 

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