Hi all,

have anyone tried to install BackupPC on a Widows box ?
I mean nothing is said about it in the docs, nothing found in devel or user
archives, so I tried ... I tried and failed !!!

So far, I've found the next problems :

- no support from configure.pl : expects '/' at the beginning for absolute
paths, no way if '/C:' or '/cygdrive/c' is used (cygwin is installed) and 
configure.pl run from "Command Prompt" or "bash" from Cygwin

- Apache support is needed : no problem, Apache 2.0 is available for Windows
(although many "Windows compatible admins" prefer IIS)

- No bzip2, cat or utility programs found : even when run from bash
(remember, cygwin installed !!). Looking at FindProgram() in configure.pl it
should find for cat.exe, bzip2.exe, etc. and it's not doing it :-P

- Unimplemented getpwnam: obviously the user database is not in the
/etc/passwd style and getpwnam() for searching users is not implemented (the
error : "The getpwnam function is unimplemented at configure.pl line 255,
<STDIN> line 4")

I gave up :-P.

OK, I didn't went further but my suspicion is that __even__ if I install it
manually (following the code in configure.pl and making some tweaks) I'll
end with similar problems in the files at bin/ and cgi-bin/ in BackupPC

Any thoughts ?? ideas ?? takers ??

Thanks for all your help.
Víctor A. Rodríguez (http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man)
CaFe.pm - Perl Mongers Capital Federal (http://cafe.pm.org/)
Probaste con Software Libre
(http://www.bit-man.com.ar/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AyudaCompu/SoftwareLibre ??

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