Hi, I'm a new user to BackupPC and so am also new to the mailing list.  
Sorry, but I will probably be having quite a few "newbie" questions over 
the next few days as I try to get this thing working properly.  My 
current problem seems to be a seteuid problem.  If I go to the web 
interface, I get an Apache internal error.  When I look through the log, 
I see:

[Sat Jun 10 10:37:27 2006] [error] [client] Can't do seteuid!

I do have the sperl of the correct version, and I do have the 
permissions set:

-rwsr-x---  1 backuppc apache 3924 Jun  9 22:39 BackupPC_Admin

Unfortunately, I do not at this moment have the mod_perl module for 
Apache.  Would it be easier to try and get that working than to try to 
solve this problem, or is there an easy fix to the problem I face?  Thanks!


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