Hello Peter,

> Hey, It may be too late for this because it looks like
> you already got things working using Plesk. Not sure
> if you ran across this in your search, but a while
> back I wrote some docs for setting up backuppc using
> suexec *instead* of sperl, which allows you to avoid
> all those workarounds like running apache as backuppc
> user, etc.
> http://moderndoorbells.com/backuppc
> (skip ahead to step 3 for suexec stuff)

I read your post on the list today and took a look at it. At that  
moment I nearly had everything working, so I didn't really use it. My  
final setup is not that hard actually. Plesk uses suexec for Perl on  
every vhost by default, I just had to install backuppc to run as the  
user I created for the vhost. Then you also don't need the setuid bit  
on BackupPC_Admin anymore.

> I think the BackupPC documentation should promote the
> use of suexec instead of sperl. I have heard that
> suexec is more secure anyway. But for some reason
> everyone seems to be stuck on sperl.

Why would it be more secure? I do agree that on a vanilla system the  
setuid way seems the easiest to setup.

> Please let me know if my soluton is similar to what
> you came up with. Possibly we should get together and
> create a more platform independent doc for using
> suexec with backuppc.

Well, I guess my solution is not very platform independent. Plesk  
even uses a patched version of suexec I believe and I installed  
backuppc on a CentOS 4 system, with all dependencies installed using  
rpms. Only backuppc itself was not an rpm.

Nils Breunese.

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