Hi, just some more info about this.

I noticed that when a host had one user in BackupPC 2.1.2, and I add 
more users after upgrade to version 3.0.0beta3, the line
"This PC is used by <username>"
vanishes!  Altering the line back to only one user, shows the line again.

This is not the case when a PC original had multiple users in 2.1.2. 
Adding or removing users in such a host, always shows the line!

To my opinion this is a bug, but a tiny unimportant one ;-)


> I have checked the hosts file, and it looks clean.  I'm running 
> backupPC3.0.0-beta3.  The strange thing is that, the user himself can 
> login into the system, and sees his host.  There the host file 
> determines who gets access to which host, it must run correct, there 
> this works.  Is there an other place where host names are stored or host 
> names are determined?
> Regards
> Klaas
> Craig Barratt wrote:
>> Klaas writes:
>>> Here I am again with another tiny problem.
>>> Lately I changed a host its owner by altering the host file.  What I 
>>> noticed now is that, when I look at the host itself, it does not show 
>>> the line
>>> "This PC is used by <ownername>"
>>> Is there a way this can be explained?  I'm using 3.0.0beta3
>> Can't explain this.  Most likely a typo in the new hosts file?
>> Craig

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exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp."
        Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
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