
Guy Malacrida wrote on 08.03.2007 at 10:32:02 [[BackupPC-users] Can't find 
> I get this error message in object for a failed backkup...but:
> - I do have compress-zlib-perl [...] installed

well, first of all it's libcompress-zlib-perl (and it's Compress::Zlib that
can't be found). The question commonly asked is whether you might have two
versions of Perl installed. Which path to perl is contained in the #!-line
of BackupPC_dump? Using that path, what error message does

        /path/to/perl -MCompress::Zlib -e 1

give you? It *should* give no error message at all, but then you wouldn't be
getting your error. If it does give an error, it should list which paths in
@INC were searched. Is /usr/lib/perl5 among them? Why not? :) Permissions
*should really* be setup correctly by the Ubuntu package ...

In case your Ubuntu 6.10 package is different from mine (or for reference),
you can check which files it includes with 'dpkg -L libcompress-zlib-perl'.


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