Holger Parplies wrote:

Filipe Silva wrote on 08.03.2007 at 12:13:04 [[BackupPC-users] anyone running 
version 3.0.0 in DEBIAN with no problems?]:
I have updated from 2.1.1 deb package, to 3.0.0 tar.gz

I hope you at least did that by removing the package and then reinstalling?
It's always a bad idea to take something which is under the control of your
package management system and randomly change file contents, paths etc.

should I install the unstable .deb package?

Yes. As far as I can figure out without actually installing apache et al. on
my not-really-so-test system it doesn't pull in any dependencies not
satisfiable within sarge. If you don't want an entry for sid in your
sources.list, download the package (eg. 'rsync
ftp.de.debian.org::debian/pool/main/b/backuppc/backuppc_3.0.0-2_all.deb /tmp'
- you could have used wget, but we all love rsync, don't we? ;-), install it
with 'dpkg -i /tmp/backuppc_3.0.0-2_all.deb' and, if that should complain
about failed dependencies, install those with 'apt-get -f install' (which
should then also configure the backuppc package and exit successfully).

Of course, if you "updated" your 2.1.1 deb to 3.0.0 with the tar installer,
things may be more difficult. Apparently you've moved around your
configuration, so that's probably the case. For a clean package *update*,
everything should probably look exactly like it does with the version you're
updating *from* cleanly installed before you attempt the update (that's 2.1.1
in your case).

Hint: have a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/backuppc.list ...


Excellent explanation!
after making a minor changes in config.pl and httpd.conf, dir name, backuppc 3.0.0 finally fully functional!
Thanks a lot for the help.
After all it wasn't permissions problems or suid stuff.
this time I didn't even have to look at this issue. it wen smoothly :)

many thanks

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