Following the extended discussion of system benchmarks here are some actual numbers from a FreeBSD box - if anybody has the time to run similar numbers on linux boxes I will happily collate the data.


2.93 GHz Celeron D, 768 MB ram FreeBSD 6.2

bonnie++ -f 0 -d . -s 3072 -n 10:100000:10:10           

IDE = 80 GB IDE, soft upodates, atime on
IDE-R1-atime =
300gb raid 1 (mirror) IDE, atime on, soft updates
IDE-R1 = 300gb raid 1 (mirror) IDE, no atime, soft updates
IDE-R1-sync = 300gb raid 1 (mirror) IDE, no atime, sync
IDE-R1-async = 300gb raid 1 (mirror) IDE, no atime, async
SATA-R10 = 1.5TB raid 10 sata on 3ware 9500S-12. no atime, soft updates

v4 = raiserfs v4 from namesys on a 2.4ghz xeon
ext3 = ext3 from namesys on 2.4ghz xeon

Version 1.93c       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1     -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
IDE              3G           40181  22 12106   6           36944  12  99.4   7
IDE-R1           3G           34511  20 14857   8           54482  19 121.7   9
IDE-R1-atime     3G           34426  21 14832   8           54402  18 122.1   9
IDE-R1-sync      3G            4904   8  4248   4           53750  18 103.7   8
IDE-R1-async     3G           34405  20 14877   8           53579  18 122.6   9
SATA-R10         3G           85375  53 25188  14           49751  17 454.1  33

v4               3G           37579  19 15657  11           41531  11 105.8   0
ext3             3G           35221  22 10987   4           41105   6  90.9   0

Version 1.93c       ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
files:max:min        /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
IDE                   236   8  5071  73  9954  35   229   7  4354  68 +++++ +++
IDE-R1                460  19  5524  76 13606  86   301  10  4576  65 +++++ +++
IDE-R1-atime          377  15  4368  63 11580  70   395  13  5061  78 11642  90
IDE-R1-sync           107  12  6027  86 +++++ +++   112  12  5466  83 19644  82
IDE-R1-async          370  15  4609  66 18905  49   376  12  5583  84 11427  90
SATA-R10              973  41  7365  98 13281  84  1079  38  5877  79 12875  85

v4                    570  39   746  17  1435  23   513  40   104   2   951  15
ext3                  221   8   364   4   853   4   204   7    99   1   306   2

The 3ware card is somewhat bus limited because it's in a 32bit PCI slot in a 64
bit slot I'd expect better sequential read performance.  This also drives up the
CPU number due to bus contention.

The read numbers for ext3 and raiserfs look suspect

Stripe size for the 3ware raid 10 is 256k

all file sytems were live and had other files on them - virgin file systems may
perform very differently..
ufs2 is pretty similar to ext2 if not a little better but not as fast as raiser4.

sync is a big drag but async makes almost no difference over soft updates.

atime/noatime doesn't make a whole lot of difference on this test.

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