I created a new share on an existing web server that I am backing up.  The 
host configuration file was called '1and1-MW-common.pl', consistent with 
the case of the directory that I was backing up.  I had added 
'1and1-MW-common 0 user' to the backuppc 'hosts' file.  The backups were 
not starting, supposedly because of slow PING times, even though I had set 
'$Conf{PingMaxMsec} = 1000;' in the configuration file.  To make a long 
story short, it appears that backuppc converted the host name in the 
'hosts' file to lower case, and was looking for (but did not find) 
'1and1-mw-common.pl'.  I renamed the host configuration file and 
everything is sunny once again.

I am running backuppc 2-1-2 on an Ubuntu 6.10 server - waiting for a 
package to be available before upgrading. 
        Regards, Norbert
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