with backupPC 3 I cannot get the exclude to work properly.
I think there is a problem with spaces in dirnames ("My Documents"). They  
should be passed to smbclient as "\ ", but they are are not.
Perhaps it is a version problem of smbclient as well. I use the sernet  
packet for debian (3.0.25b).

On the command line this works:
smbclient //hostname/share password  -Uuser -E -N -d 3 -c tarmode\ full  
-TcrX -  
\\Documents\ and\ Settings\\*\\Local\ Settings\\Temporary\ Internet\ Files   

Note: The backslashes are required, forward slashes will not do it.

But from backuppc it does not work (I had '\\temp' as a test in the  
hostname.pl , but was not ignored).
I tried to get the resulting command line, saw the missing "\ " for the  
spaces, the rest looked not bad, but smbclient seams not to like it at all.

Simple file ignores are working ("*.obj").

Does somebody have experiences here?

Many regards, Dieter :-)

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