Maikel writes:

> i'm trying to run the web interface on a different host then the
> backuppc server process.
> what i did configure:
> on the server itself:
>         i have enabled a tcp port (2222)
>         i added a secret message
> on the client (web server):
>         i enabled the tcp port to (2222)
>         i added the same secret message to the server
>         i did configure the server host to the correct ip of the server.
> now when i restarted backuppc on both server en client i pointed my
> browser to the web server with backuppc and nothing happens, it looks
> like backuppc is not connecting to the server.

The web host needs:

  - the BackupPC pool mounted at the same path as the BackupPC server
    (the web interface needs access to the pc backup directories)

  - /etc/BackupPC needs mounted if you are using FHS.

  - the BackupPC libraries and executables installed at the same path
    as the BackupPC server.


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