Thanks Rod,

I haven't had a chance to test it yet.  But I looked inside your xp
script - at the way you do the shadow copy.  I've been looking for
something like that for quite a while.  This is really good.


Rod Dickerson wrote:
> Well, I am calling it quits because of Vista. I have a pre-script that works
> with WinXP, which does the following:
> 1. Check to see if client (rsync) is installed, and if not, install it.
> 2. Open firewall ports for rsync
> 3. Create a snapshot and mount it to X:
> 4. Start rsyncd, exporting X:
> 5. Check to make sure that processes are running
> 6. Turn over to BPC for backup
> After the backup, the post-script does the following:
> 1. Tear down the snapshot (kill rsync processes)
> 2. Remove the X: drive
> 3. Close firewall ports for rsync
> The install_client script does the following:
> 1. Verifies that the target hostname matches the requested hostname. This is
> important because of the next step.
> 2. Establishes a unique password for rsync for the machine. This is put into
> rsyncd.secrets and for the client. This is to ensure that BPC
> will not back up machine X thinking it is machine Y. I know there is some
> name checking when the backup starts, but dynamic name registration is not
> always perfect. 
> 3. Copies rsync and other binaries to c:\rsyncd on the client. You need to
> put the rsyncd.tar.gz files in /home/backuppc/backuppc_client or some other
> directory (but change the scripts accordingly). You also need to get the
> rest of rsync from the page; this tar only includes
> my config files for reference. I couldn¹t include everything because the
> file size is too big for the list.
> 4. Sets the host password in /etc/BackupPC/pc/
> You will also need the following things installed on the server, which you
> may not have:
> Apg ­ password generator. Used by install_client. This should be available
> in apt, yum, etc.
> Winexe ­ allows remote command execution on windows hosts from Linux.
> I really wanted to get kerberos authentication working, but this is where I
> got stuck. It seems to work fine when running BackupPC_dump when su¹d to
> backuppc, but when I run it from the daemon (via the CGI page), it hangs
> when running winexe. There seems to be some issue with winexe when it is ran
> this way, and I am not sure if it is the way that Perl calls shell commands,
> or if it is BackupPC. I tried to debug it, but I am not a programmer (as you
> will see in my scripting genius) nor am I am Perl guru. I am submitting my
> work so that others may be able to figure it out, because I am stuck and at
> this point I can¹t continue using BPC (sadly). One main reason why I wanted
> to use Kerberos is because it doesn¹t require the backuppc user¹s
> credentials to be stored in clear text on the file system, and also because
> Vista seems to have some issue with using NTLM. I found that when I tried to
> connect to Vista over a WAN connection using NTLM sometimes it would time
> out, yet using Kerberos (from the shell) worked every time. So there must be
> something strange about how Vista uses NTLM or something, because I never
> had these problems with XP. But if you are going to back up local Vista
> clients and don¹t mind saving credentials on the local filesystem in clear
> text (which, by the way, must have local admin rights on the hosts that it
> backs up), then you can use this with NTLM. If you are in a Windows AD
> environment and want to try Kerberos auth, you will need to use this guide:
>, specifically the
> section about ³creating a service instance account.²
> There is one additional caveat when backing up Vista using VSS. I couldn¹t
> find a way to create a snapshot on the fly with Vista, so I was just using
> the last snapshot created by the system. Vista is configured to create a
> system snapshot once per day, so I figured that was good enough. It is
> easier than with XP, which requires a process to keep the snapshot alive,
> which is why I was firing up rsyncd using my rsync scripts. You can create
> one snapshot with XP, but once the application that is using it goes away
> the snapshot disappears; there is no way to make ³persistent² snapshots as
> with Vista and Windows 2003. Anyway, this is getting kind of long, so if
> anyone has specific questions please let me know. Also, if you do get this
> working please let me know so I can continue with BPC. Thanks
> Rod
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Tomas Florian

Suite 812, 738 3rd Ave SW
Calgary Alberta, T2P 0G7

(403) 714-3914

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