>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
>Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:01 PM
>To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] images not displayed on the status
>Benedict simon wrote:
>> Thanks Guys and really apprecite for your quick reply actually
>> mu cgi-bin director i only have the BackupPC_Admin script which
>> installed by the install program.
>> only i had a soft link in my cgi-bin directory to the images 
>> which was under /var/www/images i still have the same problem but

>> diiferent error
>> let me do give u some more details
>> 1) apache runs as user backuppc and group apache
>>   document root is /var/www/cgi-bin -- in cgi-bin only
>> -r-sr-x--- 1 backuppc apache 3993 Jun  2 23:38 BackupPC_Admin
>If you're not using mod_perl there is no need to run Apache as 
>the backuppc user. Also, the s-bit is not really needed if you 
>run Apache as backuppc. I suggest using the plain CGI mode by 
>the way as it's easier to setup and since I don't spend a lot 
>of time in the web interface I don't really notice the 
>difference actually.
>> 2) the image directory where images are is /var/www/html and
>> group is backuppc user with only read permission to all images
>> 3) in /etc/BackupPC/config.pl file i see the following
>> $Conf{CgiImageDir} = '/var/www/html';
>> and
>> $Conf{CgiImageDirURL} = '/html';
>That seems wrong. If  /var/www/html is your document root then 
>the images should be available at /, not /html.

But he said his DocumentRoot is /var/www/cgi-bin, which is also
probably a *bad* idea.
And furthermore, I think that sym-links in the cgi-bin directory
should *not* work by default. 

Benedict: Why not go back to the standard Apache setup : 
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html
        put BackupPC images under /var/www/html/images
        then: $Conf{CgiImageDir} = '/var/www/html/images'
                $Conf{CgiImageDirURL} = '/images'


>Nils Breunese.

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