Hello Hendrik,

Hendrik Friedel wrote:

>  [...] My last incremental took nearly 280 minutes for about 600 MB.
>  This is over a 54 Mbit Wlan connection. But even over this connection
>  600MB are transferable in a fraction of 280 minutes...

I had a similar problem when backing up Windows-Clients to my 
BackupPC-Server. Transfer speed was very (no I mean verrrry) slow.
I've tried rsync over SSH (very slow with cygwin), I tried Samba (had 
problems with user-rights and you can not use exclude and includes at 
the same time) and now I'm using rsyncd and everything seems fine:

Looking at my logs I can see, that one of my Windows 2000 Clients that 
is connected via 54Mbit Wifi has been backed up in 59 minutes for 2356 MB.
My backup-server is a Pentium-III running Ubuntu Server - so no 
supercomputing-power :-)

If you need 280min for 600MB there must be something wrong.

What Operating System is the client-pc running? Are you using rsync or 
rsyncd? Rsyncd performs much better compared to rsync over SSH with cygwin.

I'm recently writing a howto 'Backup Windows Clients with (cygwin) 
rsyncd and BackupPC', and I would be glad to hear feedback.

Best regards from Berlin

=/ Kurt

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