Hi people,
I´m getting some strange Error on Fedora 6 (Linux fileserver 2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 
#1 SMP Fri Apr 27 18:53:15 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux) with 
BackupPC-3.1.0 . SSH is working without pw prompt. The files arrive fine (I 
have never checked if they are indeed complete, but rsync doesn´t complain, so 
it´s probably fine), I can even restore them, but I am getting "Backup aborted 
()". Also there is a permission error in the global log which shouldn´t be 
there, because the folder already exists and permissions of the folder are even 
777 (of course only for testing purposes).

Part of the Backup-Log (can send more if needed):

full backup started for directory /etc/sysconfig
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root somepc /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender 
--numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times 
--block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /etc/sysconfig/ ...
Finished deltaGet phase 1
Parent read: stats 2286 5329 176658 0 ('errorCnt' => 0,'ExistFileSize' => 
0,'ExistFileCnt' => 1,'TotalFileCnt' => 78,'ExistFileCompSize' => 
0,'TotalFileSize' => 176658) Got stats: 2286 5329 176658 0 ('errorCnt' => 
0,'ExistFileSize' => 0,'ExistFileCnt' => 1,'TotalFileCnt' => 
78,'ExistFileCompSize' => 0,'TotalFileSize' => 176658)
Parent read: log Sending: ffffffff
Sending: ffffffff
Parent read: log attribWrite(dir=f%2fetc%2fsysconfig) -> 
attribWrite(dir=f%2fetc%2fsysconfig) -> 
Parent read: log attribWrite(dir=) -> 
attribWrite(dir=) -> /data/mirrored/mlb/!Backup/BackupPC/pc/tms/new//attrib
Parent read: exit
Got exit from child
Done: 78 files, 176658 bytes
Backup aborted ()
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one 
(got 78 and 78 files versus 78)

Part of the global Log:
2008-09-30 05:00:00 Next wakeup is 2008-09-30 06:00:00 2008-09-30 05:00:01 
Started full backup on somepc (pid=19683, share=/etc/sysconfig) 2008-09-30 
05:00:08 Backup failed on somepc () 2008-09-30 05:00:08 Running BackupPC_link 
somepc (pid=19717) 2008-09-30 05:00:08 somepc: mkdir 
/data/mirrored/mlb/\!Backup/BackupPC: Permission denied at 
/usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm line 899 2008-09-30 05:00:08 Finished 
somepc (BackupPC_link tms)

I hope somebody can help me...

Anian W.
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