I am having this *exact* issue. However, I run a dedicated apache server for BackupPC that I compiled myself. No modules are loaded except mod_perl and mod_unique_id is not statically compiled either. I've never had issue with starting the apache server like yourself.

However, I do have the issue of hte BackupPC::Lib->new failed error requiring the backuppc daemon be restarted.

I should mention that sometimes backuppc will run for weeks without issue, so you might not be out of the water yet (I hope you are!).

Leopard Server 10.5.5, Dual Xserve G5

On Oct 15, 2008, at 2:51 PM, Huxtable, Brian R. wrote:

I’ve seen other users here have had this problem as well (judging from the archives) but there has never been a solution posted. I believe that I have found the answer to this problem, somewhat accidentally:

In the process of setting up a script that would periodically check the BackupPC log for the ‘BackupPC::Lib->new failed’ error, I needed to do several restarts of the server. Apache wasn’t starting on its own giving ‘nodename nor servname provided, or not known: mod_unique_id' in the error log. Simply commenting out this module solved the apache startup problem … and also, apparently, the ‘BackupPC::Lib->new failed’ error as well. The script I wrote has not once fired a restart procedure since I commented out the module. Previous behavior was that the error would crop up at least twice a day and persist until I restarted BackupPC.

Now, I’m not quite certain what mod_unique_id does but I haven’t been using it in any other apache installation so I haven’t been too worried to do the research. If anyone would kindly explain any portion of this problem, I’d be much appreciative. I plan on writing a howto for BackupPC for Debian and Mac OS X and this piece of info would be pretty handy.


From: Huxtable, Brian R. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10:13 AM
To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [BackupPC-users] Backup_dump - Wrong User

I’ve recently needed to reinstall BackupPC on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. While it had worked previously on this platform, I’m getting some very odd errors that driving me insane:

I’m able to run backups for a period of time but some point in time during the day I’ll begin to get repeated iterations of the following:

/opt/local/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_dump: Wrong user: my userid is 501, instead of (tlctoor)
Please su tlctoor first
BackupPC::Lib->new failed

After I get this, newly initiated processes will fail but previously active processes seem to continue. I then need to restart the BackupPC service to get backups back on track.

What am I missing, where should I look?

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