Kenneth L. Owen wrote:
> I have answered yes to the prompt to accept the key and immediately get
> asked for a password.  I have tried entering the password thinking that it
> might be 'just this once', but when I rerun the command, I am prompted for
> the password again.  When I set this up before, this test ran without a
> hitch, and I simply got a response of 'root' to the whoami command.  -- ken

You described setting up several keys and editing something after 
copying the public key that I didn't quite follow.  The only thing 
relevant here is that you have exactly the contents of the public key 
you created as the backuppc user on the server in 
/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on the client.  The files and directory 
above should also only be readable by the owners for all of these.

Repeating your test with -v on the ssh command line might show something 
you've missed.

   Les Mikesell

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