I have some clients that take 3 days or better to do a full backup, i
would like to do 1 full backup a month, and 1 incr backup every day,
and keep 1 week worth of incr and only 1 full backup.  What happens
when there is still a full backup going on and i schedule and incr
everyday?  will it wait until the full is done or will it try to do an
incr with a full backup still in progress?  I would assume that the
incr would fail if it doesnt have a full backup to work off of
correct?  Is there a certain way im suppose to schedule the backups to
accomplish what i want to do?
Also, im working with a machine with 2gigs or ram 800mhz cpu P3.  The
machines im backing up have pretty large sql db's 7 to 12 gigs, will
this machine be able to handle that doing all the compression with
rsync and over ssh?  From some of the other posts ive read on this
list, you can run into problems if the machine runs out of ram, even
though it has a swap partition.
Thanks for any input.

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