Holger Parplies wrote at about 00:24:56 +0100 on Tuesday, December 9, 2008:
 > Hi,
 > Mark Adams wrote on 2008-12-08 14:37:54 -0700 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 
 > BackupFilesExcludes for Linux]:
 > > I think I spotted a mistake in my own speculative config.  See below.
 > right, and there's a second one along the same line ...
 > > [...]
 > > > $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {
 > > >   '/mnt/share' => [
 > > >     'images',
 > > >     'Photos'
 > > >   ]
 > > >  '/' => [
 > > >    'etc'
 > > >   ]
 > > >  '/home' => [
 > > >   'madams'
 > > >   ]
 > > > };
 > > > $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
 > > >  '/home/madams' => ['/torrent', '/Download'],
 > This should be
 >      '/home' => [ '/maddams/torrent', '/maddams/Download' ],
 > > >  };
 > > > $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
 > > >   '/mnt/share', '/home', '/'
 > [edited to match your correction]
 > > > ];
 > > > $Conf{ClientNameAlias} = '';
 > As Matthias probably meant to point out, you can achieve the same with
 >     $Conf {RsyncShareName} = [ '/etc', '/home/maddams', '/mnt/share/images',
 >                             '/mnt/share/Photos' ];
 >     $Conf {BackupFilesExclude} = { '/home/maddams' => [ '/torrent',
 >                                                      '/Download'] };
 > or even
 >     $Conf {RsyncShareName} = [ '/' ];
 >     $Conf {BackupFilesOnly} = {
 >      '/' => [ '/etc', '/home/maddams', '/mnt/share/images',
 >               '/mnt/share/Photos' ],
 >     };
 >     $Conf {BackupFilesExclude} = {
 >      '/' => [ '/home/maddams/torrent', '/home/maddams/Download' ],
 >     };
 > This is, of course, just as speculative as your config, but I believe it
 > *should* work that way :-).
 > The important part is that the hash keys in BackupFilesOnly and
 > BackupFilesExclude need to match your {RsyncShareName}s exactly, else they
 > will simply be ignored (there is no magic that determines that 
 > '/home/maddams'
 > lies within the '/home' share). Aside from that, *with rsync and tar* (not
 > rsyncd and smb) you are rather free to split your paths into share names and
 > BackupFilesOnly entries any way you like. Less shares probably means less
 > overhead and a backup definition that is easier to understand. If you use
 > '--one-file-system', you will need extra shares for anything on different 
 > file
 > systems (probably '/home' and '/mnt/share' in your case).

Also (I believe that) using multiple share names on the same
filesystem will not preserve hard links that are split across the
share names. So, if you are backing up your linux partitions and want
to preserve hard links then you should probably keep all the key root
partitions on the same share (please correct me if I am wrong but I
don't see how rsync would otherwise know about the hard links since
each share is done independently).

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