Lofton H Alley Jr wrote:
> Its been a small struggle with slow progress. I am stymied over this one 
> though.
> Here is the network layout: two desktops and a lappie on wifi. This 
> should be easy right? One deskie has an 80 GB primary and a 320G storage 
> HDD divided into 3 partitions. The other deskie has an 80 GB primary and 
> a 1TB storage partitioned into 4 parts, with the largest (500GB) for 
> Backup.
> Everything is running Ubuntu 8.10 and is pretty stable. The drives are 
> all networked with nfs file sharing so that the /home partition on the 
> 80GB drives and all the partitions on the storage drives (except the 
> backup partition which I have set up as described below) are shared 
> through /media folders on the host deskie and then fstabbed to a 
> /home//whatever/ folder on the various systems. This brings them up on 
> the Desktop of each computer as a volume.
> The backuppc setup seemed pretty straightforward to me, but I 
> immediately found that I am lazier than I thought and had to fix some 
> stupid syntax stuff on setup which tired me out (do you know the 
> feeling?). After working through those issues I hit on some problems 
> with setting the /media/backup partition as the backuppc partition and 
> found out a way to fix that through the documentation. What I did was to 
> mount the partition in the default folder in the setup, which seemed to 
> resolve that problem on setup.
> What it is sticking on now is that it cannot setup the LOG file in the 
> default location. I'm upstairs now and that box is downstairs in my 
> daughter's room, so i can just say that i got the same error message 
> with the default folder and also when I changed it to my Ubuntu standard 
> /var/log folder. The error refers me to the perl script , line 1184 (as 
> I recall) which is , sure enough, some lines about the LOG files, STERR 
> and STOUT and the error message that I got. What the error message says 
> is that the program cannot set up the /var/log/LOG file and so must shut 
> down.
> Now, the /var folders are mostly owned by root and so there is not much 
> to do with that, I switched back to the /usr default, but it makes no 
> difference. It is my guess that there is another error that is calling 
> to be written to the LOG but it can't maybe because of the same error.
> anybody that can help would be thanked and appreciated. I am in China 
> and so I have a different schedule from other people and sometimes can't 
> reply in a timely fashion, but I will get this worked out , thanks(in 
> advance) for all your help

Settings from my /etc/BackupPC/ file:

$Conf{BackupPCUser} = 'backuppc';
$Conf{TopDir} = '/data/BackupPC';
$Conf{ConfDir} = '/etc/BackupPC';
$Conf{LogDir} = '/var/log/BackupPC';

Permissions for the directory structure /var/log/BackupPC:

-bash-3.2$ ls -ld /var/
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Dec 15 12:36 /var/
-bash-3.2$ ls -ld /var/log/
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Dec 15 12:37 /var/log/
-bash-3.2$ ls -ld /var/log/BackupPC/
drwxr-x--- 2 backuppc backuppc 4096 Dec 15 13:42 /var/log/BackupPC/
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /var/log/BackupPC/
total 252
-r--r--r-- 1 backuppc backuppc     5 Dec 12 15:36
srwxr-x--- 1 backuppc backuppc     0 Dec 12 15:36 BackupPC.sock
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc     0 Oct 16 10:29 LOCK
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  3056 Dec 15 13:00 LOG
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2188 Dec 15 07:00 LOG.0.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2235 Dec  5 07:00 LOG.10.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2765 Dec  4 07:00 LOG.11.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2505 Dec  3 07:00 LOG.12.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  3262 Dec  2 07:00 LOG.13.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  1948 Dec 14 07:00 LOG.1.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  5396 Dec 13 07:00 LOG.2.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  4202 Dec 12 07:00 LOG.3.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  4028 Dec 11 07:00 LOG.4.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  5080 Dec 10 07:00 LOG.5.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  1534 Dec  9 07:00 LOG.6.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2327 Dec  8 07:00 LOG.7.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2982 Dec  7 07:00 LOG.8.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc  2003 Dec  6 07:00 LOG.9.z
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc 44441 Dec 15 13:00
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc 44451 Dec 15 12:00
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc   226 Dec 15 03:03

Perhaps your permissions are different?  Otherwise, are you using 
AppArmor or SELinux?  If you su to the BackupPCUser, can you "touch" the 
log file?


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