
Rob Owens wrote:
> I thought about something similar a while back.  I never got anywhere
> with it, but the plan was to use Knoppix or Knoppix-like technology to
> have all the hardware automatically detected and configured at boot.
> That way the hard drive could be installed in any machine and it would
> work.
> This info may be outdated:  Knoppix has 3 configuration options for a
> hard drive installation.  The one you would want is called "Knoppix",
> and it basically runs the live cd system on a hard drive.  All the live
> cd startup scripts run, so hardware is detected automatically.
> I don't think Knoppix would be the best distro to use, due to its
> mish-mash of repositories, but maybe a Debian live cd or Ubuntu live cd
> would do the trick for you.  I'm just not sure how to install them to
> the hard drive in "Knoppix" mode.

The approach I am proposing is a little simpler than that, I only want 
to have a bootable usb system which is equal to the backuppc system, and 
which could easily replace it. Of course I will not have all the 
hardware detection that the liveCDs do, so maybe somethings will still 
be done "by hand".

Let me tell you what happened in my tests.

After  33 hours  dd'ing  the pool to the usb disk, it finally ended, so 
I am really considering a eSata case, there is no way to wait 33 hours 
each time I want to sync the server with the usb case.

My experience in booting the usb disk was successful, I had some 
problems with grub and fstab, which I guess are not easy to avoid. 
Depending on how many disks I have on the machine the device is 
recognized as sdb, sdd, etc, so I should, at least, dinamically generate 
the fstab file, which I am not willing to do right now. By now I could 
live with this kind of manual operation.

Below you will find the script I made for doing the sync operation, this 
is a very simple script which only solves my problem, but maybe this can 
help others and maybe you could help improving it. Sorry for some 
portuguese comments...



/etc/init.d/backuppc stop || exit

umount /var/lib/backuppc || exit

echo "Fazendo backup do /boot"
mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/sdd1 || exit
time rsync -a  --delete-after /boot/* /mnt/sdd1/
umount /mnt/sdd1

echo "Fazendo backup do barra"
mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt/sdd2 || exit
time rsync -ax  --delete-after --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev 
--exclude=/sys --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/var/lib/backuppc --exclude=/tmp 
/* /mnt/sdd2/
mkdir /mnt/sdd2/proc /mnt/sdd2/dev /mnt/sdd2/sys /mnt/sdd2/mnt 
/mnt/sdd2/tmp /mnt/sdd2/var/lib/backuppc
chmod 777 /mnt/sdd2/tmp
chmod o+t /mnt/sdd2/tmp
## acertando o fstab
cat <<EOF > /mnt/sdd2/etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/sdb2 /               reiserfs defaults        0       1
#/dev/sdb1        /boot           reiserfs notail          0       2
/dev/sdb3 /var/lib/backuppc reiserfs defaults        0       2
/dev/sdb4       none            swap    sw,pri=1              0       0
/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

umount /mnt/sdd2

echo "Fazendo backup da area de dados do backuppc"
lvcreate -L1G -s -n bkp_snapshot /dev/vg/backup || exit
time dd if=/dev/vg/bkp_snapshot of=/dev/sdd3
lvremove -f /dev/vg/bkp_snapshot

mount /var/lib/backuppc

/etc/init.d/backuppc start

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