Anand Gupta wrote at about 04:11:05 +0530 on Saturday, December 20, 2008:
 > Now i need to setup a windows host. I do have a question on that though, the
 > cygwin-rsync package from sf states it doesn't have ssh on it, however from
 > the howto it looks to me ssh would be required. Any ideas on that ?
It's not required if you just use 'rsyncd' without an ssh tunnel
(though rsyncd security alone is rather weak - just password
protection and the data isn't encrypted).

On the other hand, you have to be careful about using regular
rsync-ssh on windows since many people report errors with hanged
backups due to long or weird filenames in windows. This is a problem
with rsync protocol 28 that has been fixed in protocol 30 --
unfortunately, backuppc uses perl-File-RsyncP which has not yet been
updated to protocol 30. You can get around it by using rsyncd with or
without a separate ssh tunnel.

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