I just setup backuppc 3.1.0 on a Debian system I am using it to backup
several Debian machines and one Windows XP (using rsyncd and cygwin from the
Backuppc Sourceforge site). I ran into a few issues that prompted some

1. Windows XP SP2 backup using cygwin-rsyncd-2.6.8_0

I had to set strict modes = false to get rsync to work on the Windows
machine (running as a service). If not, I got an authorization error. Since
rsyncd is running as a service, the notes said I have to make the secrets
file readable only by the SYSTEM account. How do I do that? I was logged in
as an administrator, and I clicked on the properties for the secrets file
and made it read only. That did not work. I googled for some info on SYSTEM
user for XP, but I never found a solution.

2. What files should NOT be backed up on a Debian Linux machine?

I originally set BackupFilesExclude = /proc, /mnt, /dev, /cdrom, /floppy,
/lost+found, /media, /var/lib/backuppc, and then started a full backup. I
got lots of errors (~10,000), and the log file shows most of them (all - too
many to count!) were confined to /sys. Should /sys be excluded as well? I am
not enough of a Debian/Linux guru to know if this is a directory I should
exclude or not. It seems that it should be excluded based on what I have
read about it, but I just wanted to check with the experts. Are there any
other directories that should be excluded from a "normal" Debian
installation? Some of the machines are servers for tomcat/apache, some are
desktop machines running X.

3. Are there any Windows directories that should be excluded from a backup?
The Windows machine is not a server, just a desktop with users.


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