
dan wrote on 2008-12-28 20:10:20 -0700 [Re: [BackupPC-users] Reduce 
BackupPC_nightly to weekly?]:
> [...]
> I wonder how long a weekly cleanup job would take verses a daily?

insignificantly longer. The difficult part is traversing the pool, not
deleting files and renumbering chains. Sure, deleting large numbers of big
files is going to take a while on some file systems, but you don't do more
than the sum of what you would otherwise do daily. You save 6 traversals of
the pool, though. For reference, I measured about 15 minutes for the traversal
of a 103 GB pool (not with BackupPC_nightly, but with a similar algorithm,
also implemented in Perl). Saving 90 minutes of heavy disk I/O per week does
not sound like a bad thing. I would expect the same savings from an
appropriate setting of $Conf{BackupPCNightlyPeriod} though. Spreading out the
load evenly over several days is probably a better idea in most cases than
doing all the work on one day per week (or one out of eight days).

Currently, the maximum value for BackupPCNightlyPeriod is 16. I don't see why
this couldn't be extended to allow the values 32, 64, 128 and 256. The pool
structure would even allow for values upto 4096, but I very much doubt
anything above, maybe, 64 makes any sense.


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