Alex wrote:
> Hi there, 
> i'm not aware using Perl scripting, but ok with bash / php.
> Then, i'd like to know if there's a way to set values for per pc config file 
> using command line tool ?
> By exemple, like to change only FullKeepCnt value, but, has it is by default 
> written that way :
> $Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [
>   '400'
> ];

That's HTML for...

$Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [

It should not be HTML encoded on disk.

$Conf is a hash.  The hash entry "FullKeepCnt" is a list (I think) with, 
in this case, one value: 400.

> It's a bit hard for me to parse this file and write back a new value.

PHP has the htmlspecialchars_decode 
which will take the nasty looking string you started with, and transform 
it to the proper on-disk setup, which should also be easier to 
manipulate (I think PHP might even properly utilize Perl hashes).

> Didn't find any way of doing this on the wiki. I'd like to be able to do that 
> kind of thing without de cgi web interface, in order for me to be able to 
> change values through scripts.
> Thank you in advance for any advices :)


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