Hi David,

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:03:03AM -0400, David Williams wrote:
> All,
> Up until very recently I have had BackupPC 3.0 working with my 1TB external
> WD Mybook world edition device, which is connected to my LAN and which I
> mount via cifs.  I recently had to upgrade my machine to a newer version on
> Linux (Mandriva 2009.0) and with that comes BackupPC 3.1.
> Once I had setup installed BackupPC 3.1, mounted my backup device using cifs
> and restored my configuration files I started up BackupPC only to get the
> message:
> "Can't create a test hardlink......."
I'm not sure whether CIFS supports hardlinks.

> Under BackupPC 3.0 I never had a problem performing backups and I can still
> access the backups that I have from the 3.0 version.  There are no error
> messages in any of the log files.  So, did something change between 3.0 and
> 3.1 ?  Is there a way I can check manually by creating a hardlink on the
> backups partition from the shell ?  Sorry, not a Linux guru so not well up
> on the commands to do this.


> I did do a df -i and got the following output:
> Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
> //
>                                 116M    1.7M    115M    2% /backups

You used the BackupPC package from your distribution? It probably
doesn't have the backup storage configured as /backups, but maybe
/var/lib/backuppc. The easiest way is to stick to that location and
mount your NAS there.

You may check whether hardlinks work correctly by opening a shell and

echo hello > testfile
ln testfile linkedfile
echo olleh > linkedfile
cat testfile

There should be no error messages and the last command should output
"olleh". If you do an ls -l testfile linkedfile, you should see
something like this:

-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 6 2009-03-26 16:25 linkedfile
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 6 2009-03-26 16:25 testfile

- note the 2 here! It says: link count 2.

Hope that helps,


"What we nourish flourishes." - "Was wir nähren erblüht."


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