Hi everybody,
I installed backuppc on a fairly up-to-date ubuntu 8.10 machine to
backup it and a few other machines on my home LAN.
I'm using a fairly large (1.5T) eSATA external disk (formatted ext3) for
the data pool.
My data pool is essentially static, but, all the same, every time I
backup the pool decreases dramatically, just like it copied over the
same files instead of using links.
It also takes a very long time (>>24h) to back up my localhost (~600Gb).
Is this normal?
It shouldn't be according to the docs (IFF I understand it correctly!).
Can someone please advise about just what to check to ascertain my setup
is correct? (I strongly suspect it isn't, but I can't understand what's
It is now doing the second full backup of the localhost (the largest)
and before starting I had ~44% free, now (after more than one day) it is
at 73%:

ma...@heimdall:~$ df
File system         blocchi di   1K   Usati Disponib. Uso% Montato su
/dev/sda8             76928448  15822816  57197824  22% /
tmpfs                  1027916         0   1027916   0% /lib/init/rw
varrun                 1027916       900   1027016   1% /var/run
varlock                1027916         0   1027916   0% /var/lock
udev                   1027916      2880   1025036   1% /dev
tmpfs                  1027916       104   1027812   1% /dev/shm
lrm                    1027916      2004   1025912   1%
/dev/sda7              9614116   8122452   1003292  90% /home
/dev/sdc1            307663800 256980960  35054408  88% /srv
/dev/sdd2            448882144 371743628  59040652  87% /srv/Store
/dev/sde1            1442145212 595568000 773320412  44% /media/BackupPC
-ma...@heimdall:/lib/modules/2.6.27-8-generic$ df
File system         blocchi di   1K   Usati Disponib. Uso% Montato su
/dev/sda8             76928448  15665808  57354832  22% /
tmpfs                  1027916         0   1027916   0% /lib/init/rw
varrun                 1027916       900   1027016   1% /var/run
varlock                1027916         0   1027916   0% /var/lock
udev                   1027916      2880   1025036   1% /dev
tmpfs                  1027916       104   1027812   1% /dev/shm
lrm                    1027916      2004   1025912   1%
/dev/sda7              9614116   8370368    755376  92% /home
/dev/sdc1            307663800 256981028  35054340  88% /srv
/dev/sdd2            448882144 371743628  59040652  87% /srv/Store
/dev/sde1            1442145212 996767156 372121256  73% /media/BackupPC
... and I can swear almost nothing changed in the filesystems to be

Also the "statos display is highly suspicious:
BackupPC Server Status

General Server Information

    * The servers PID is 20032, on host heimdall, version 3.1.0, started
      at 3/26 22:47.
    * This status was generated at 3/30 23:33.
    * The configuration was last loaded at 3/28 14:27.
    * PCs will be next queued at 3/31 01:00.
    * Other info:
          o 0 pending backup requests from last scheduled wakeup,
          o 0 pending user backup requests,
          o 0 pending command requests,
          o Pool is 0.00GB comprising 0 files and 0 directories (as of
            3/30 01:00),
          o Pool hashing gives 0 repeated files with longest chain 0,
          o Nightly cleanup removed 0 files of size 0.00GB (around 3/30
          o Pool file system was recently at 73% (3/30 23:32), today's
            max is 73% (3/30 22:57) and yesterday's max was 51%.

Currently Running Jobs

Host    Type    User    Start Time      Command         PID     Xfer PID
localhost <http://localhost/backuppc/index.cgi?host=localhost>  full
backuppc <mailto:backuppc>      3/29 15:00      BackupPC_dump localhost         
19380, 19379

Failures that need attention

Host    Type    User    Last Try        Details         Error Time      Last 
error (other than
no ping)


I also have another strange problem: The "BackupPC Pool Size" graphs are
missing; I mean: I see the grid and the labels, but not the actual graph.

I do not want to send an excessive amount of data, but I'm obviously
ready to send any data needed.

What did I broke?
Please advise.

Best Regards

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