
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote on 2009-05-19 11:54:16 -0500 [Re: 
[BackupPC-users] backup the backuppc pool with bacula]:
> On 05/19 11:35 , Les Mikesell wrote:
> > Have you ever restored one of these tapes, and if so, how long did it 
> > take?  As a wild guess, I'd expect a couple of days where an image copy 
> > would be an hour or two.
> I think it's about 8 hours to create the tape (whereas when using LVM
> snapshots it took almost 2 days). I've scanned and recovered files from the
> tape, and it takes a few hours, depending on where on the tape the file
> is. I've never convinced the company to do a full test restore (we're
> contractors, and doing that test would cost more money); but I have
> scanned the tapes and checked their integrity, and that takes a healthy long 
> time.
> An image copy would indeed be much faster. I prefer a file-level backup
> rather that filesystem-level backup simply because recovery in case of
> corruption is much better.

it really depends on what you want to do in case of disaster.

1.) Restore the pool
    Forget it.

2.) Restore files from previous backups or even single whole backups
    No problem.
    [Though I have no idea how tar handles restoring a subset of the archive
     that is made up of hardlinks to various files outside this subset. This
     may well prove not to work or require insane amounts of tape seeks - if
     tar seeks on its input at all.]

With an image level copy it's the other way around, but I agree that I
wouldn't trust tape media very far. Has anyone invented tape-RAID-6 yet? :)


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