I have been looking at this and back to a how-to I was trying to follow.
For the case of backing up the localhost (c17-desktop) & trying to
exclude the /var/lib/backuppc directory where c17-desktop is the
BackupPC server...

I can not follow where to copy ssh keys to/from.  Does anybody have time
to baby step me thru this?  

When I do: "sudo su backuppc"
followed by: "ssh -x -l backuppc c17-desktop date"
i get: "ssh: connect to host c17-desktop port 22: Connection refused"
Which I believe ya'll are telling me is because I don't have ssh-keys
set up correctly.

I do have user backuppc set up to be able to run rsync w/o a password
via: "sudo visudo" 
which shows: 
# User privilege specification
root     ALL=(ALL) ALL
backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /user/bin/rsync

Thanx in advance, Skip

On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 21:56 -0500, Skip Guenter wrote:
> I installed BackupPC from the Ubuntu repositories several days ago with
> the intent of getting it set up and running as soon as a HDD came in.
> Well last night I was reading thru some of the doc and took a look at
> the control webpage and much to my surprise saw that a host was there
> (localhost) and had done something... but also had an error about it's
> name not matching netbios name.  I changed it's name and deleted the
> backup files under /var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost.
> After some more reading I change 5 things from the default install:
> 1) changed default method to rsync
> 2) changed logs kept from 14 to 9
> 3) changed the host name "localhost" to "c17-desktop"
> 4) checked the box override box called "FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck"
> 5) changed blackout period to be 7.5 thru 18.5
> Then requested a full backup on c17.
> It returned a new error on the host summary page:
> c17-desktop skip 0 0.00 0   idle backup failed (Unable to read 4 bytes)
> This is the machine that BackupPC was installed on.  I guess getting
> that machine backed up is as good as anyplace to start.
> I also, via the web interface attempted to exclude some directories and
> file types which ended up creating /etc/backuppc/c17-desktop.pl that
> contains:
> $Conf{FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck} = '0';
> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>   '*.old' => [],
>   '/var/lib/backuppc' => [],
>   '/tmp' => [],
>   '/lost+found' => [],
>   '/proc' => [],
>   '/cdrom' => [],
>   '/mnt' => []
> };
> After saving these change I attempted another full backup and got the
> same error: backup failed (Unable to read 4 bytes)
> So, questions:
> 1) Is it advisable/legit to use rsync on the local machine backing up
> itself?
> 2) Do my directory and file exclusions make any sense for backing up the
> machine that BackupPC is on?
> 3) How can I find out more about this error I'm getting?
> PS:  HDD just arrived so I'll get the RAID 1 set up tonight or tomorrow
> and figure out how to point BackupPC to that.... think I read there's a
> topDIR variable someplace.

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