Pieter Wuille wrote at about 17:57:06 +0200 on Tuesday, June 2, 2009:
 > Hello,
 > because of a need to restore files from backuppc in a more flexible way than
 > through the web-interface (a particular directory in a whole bunch of hosts
 > at the same time) and some googling, i stumbled upon Stephen Day's fuse 
 > system
 > for backuppc.
 > It had a few shortcomings, such as not supporting share-names with "/"
 > characters, and being very slow, so i started rewriting parts and adding
 > some features. 
 > If anyone's interested at trying/looking at it:
 > https://svn.ulyssis.org/repos/sipa/backuppc-fuse/backuppcfs.pl
 > Some features:
 > - caches the directory structure to improve efficiency
 > - supports chardevs and blockdevs (and files/dirs/symlinks)
 > - correct linkcounts for directories
 > - merges all shares of a host into one directory tree structure,
 >   supporting '/' and '\' as separators in sharenames
 > - open()ed filehandles are kept and reused to prevent seeking for each and
 >   every read operation - even supports efficient (sequential) reading when
 >   files are opened more than once at the same time.
 > - incremental backups are shown correctly
 > - some command-line options
 > It is only tested on one 3.1 backuppc pool on a Ubuntu 8.04 system, and not
 > very extensively. It only opens files/directories in read-only mode, thus
 > shouldn't be able to damage a working backuppc pool if something goes wrong.
 > I'd like to get some feedback; ideas, bugreports, ... are very welcome.

Sounds great!!! I look forward to playing with it when I get a chance.

By the way, if you are ever interested in implementing 'write'
functionality, you might be able to repurpose the code that I wrote for
BackupPC_deleteFile that allows you to delete files and directories
(properly) from any full or incremental backup.

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