Hi all:

I am using BackupPC 3.1.0 and 3.2.0 beta 0 at the moment.

I am modifying a plugin for nagios to scan the backup logs and verify
that the backups completed successfully. Ideally I would just look for
the backup completion time, verify it's recent enough and then verify
that there were 0 errors during the backup.

However we use daemontools and as a result log files get rotated out
from under the backuppc run. So I can't just look for 0 errors, I need
to count the errors while filtering out certain known (and acceptable)
classes of errors.

Are there rules for identifying true errors in the XferLOG.XXX.z

So far I have the sed script:

  sed -ne '/^Executing/,/^Xfer PIDs are now [0-9]*,[0-9]*$/d' 
       -e '/^Done: /,/^Xfer/d'
       -e '/^[^     ]/p'

which skips the startup sections in the log file:

   everything from the predump command (the line starts with
      Executing) to the point where the there are 2 xfer
      processes/pid's running

  everything from the Done: line (of the prior backup) to the next xfer

which skips:

  Done: 144 files, 1109632572 bytes
  incr backup started back to 2009-06-02 15:37:43 (backup #233) for
    directory /var
  Running: /usr/bin/ssh -e none -q -x -l backup -C -o CompressionLevel=9
    -c blowfish-cbc -o ServerAliveInterval=30 example.com /usr/bin/rsync
    --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
    --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --one-file-system
    --bwlimit=62 --checksum-seed=32761 . /var
  Xfer PIDs are now 2868
  Got remote protocol 29
  Negotiated protocol version 28
  Checksum caching enabled (checksumSeed = 32761)
  Xfer PIDs are now 2868,2869

etc. Between these startup sections, I print everything that doesn't
start with whitespace. It does identify/report errors like:

  Remote[2]: file has vanished: 

however it will miss errors that occur within the startup sections.  I
suppose I could generate a list of all the valid startup lines, but I
am not sure if some of the phrases I use to match valid lines (e.g.):

  incr backup ...

could also start error lines.

Is there a better way of identifying true errors in the log files?  Am
I missing an ERROR: prefix/suffix that can be used to identify the
true errors?


                                -- rouilj

John Rouillard       System Administrator
Renesys Corporation  603-244-9084 (cell)  603-643-9300 x 111

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