John Rouillard wrote:
>> For example, this would allow one to define a config file for Linux
>> vs. Windows machines or for desktops vs. notebooks or for critical
>> machines vs. less critical machines (I know you can currently do this
>> in a kludgey fashion using links or by adding perl code to the config
>> file but it would be nice to have a better way to do it).
> At one point I looked at including a series of perl files in an
> existing per host config file to build up the default settings.
> I need to go back and look at that again.
>> This generalization of host groups could easily include the notion of
>> maximum simultaneous group backups to run.
> Only if the two host and simultaneous backup groups overlapped
> 100%.
> E.G. I have two redundant database servers db10 and db11. Because
> of the impact of doing backups on the servers, I never want both
> of them at a site to be backed up at the same time. So these
> would share the same configurations (or part of a configuration)
> and also be a group that would be limited to 1 backup from the
> group at a time.
> Now add a second (redundant) site/cluster with database
> servers db21 and db22.  Now all 4 servers can share a config, but
> I have two different sub-groups of servers (db11, db12) and (db21
> and db22) that have different rules about the max number of
> backups to be done.

Maybe a 'groups' concept could be added such that you could put a host 
in multiple groups with an order specified and the perl-snippet 
configurations are just evaluated in cascading order (site level, 
group1, group2..., host).  That should be easy to do and would make 
sense if you generally don't overlap the group variables but might get 
confusing if you get carried away.  You'd still have to tie the 
rate-limiting value to the group definition where it was specified, 
though, so a host in multiple groups wouldn't start a backup if it would 
exceed any of the limits that had been picked up.

   Les Mikesell

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