On Friday 26 June 2009 01:04:50 Admiral Beotch wrote:
> I haven't finished reading the selinux/apache document, but while testing
> out the restore process with my previous chcon statement, I realized
> backuppc was unable to write some restore files to the TOPDIR filesystem so
> I changed the context again to:
> chcon -R -t httpd_sys_script_rw_t /BackupData
> and it can now prefectly restore files as expected. I love this software!
> I'll post an update later after I've had a chance to fully dig into the
> selinux/apache document.
> Just a thought going through my head... Since httpd is running as backuppc
> and this is a dedicated backup server, I think I'm gonna be ok with this
> r/w context on this mounted file system...

Previously I've installed BackupPC from source and sorted out the SELinux 
problems by hand. Now I'm about to install an backup BackupPC server and want 
to use the EPEL rpm if possible on Centos-5.3.

It would be really helpful if you could summarise the SELinux changes you made 
to get it working.



Dept. of Comp. Sci.
University of Limerick.

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