Nate Carlson wrote:
> I'm attempting to back up some files off Akamai Netstorage (a remote 
> fileshare 
> similar to EC2), which has a rsync-over-ssh interface. They support protocol 
> version 29, and rsync 2.6.6. It appears that File::RsyncP only supports 
> protocol version 28, and something is going wonky. Here's the output of the 
> log:
> "full backup started for directory /
> Running: /usr/bin/ssh -C -q -i /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_dsa_akamai -x -l 
> sshacs <host> /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner 
> --group --links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
> Xfer PIDs are now 23993
> Got remote protocol 29
> Negotiated protocol version 28
> Remote[98]: n
> <junk>"
> <junk> appears to be a list of the files, with ugly binary breaks between -- 
> I'm guessing it's the raw dump of the protocol list as rsync sends it. I 
> suspect a problem on Akamai's implementation with the way that it negotiates 
> protocol 28.
> First of all - is there a version of File::RsyncP that supports protocol 
> version 29?
> If not - is it possible to configure BackupPC to use rsync itself instead of 
> using the Perl modules? Or is that a hard requirement for BackupPC?
> Appreciate any thoughts - thanks!

Considering how cheap disk space is, the easy approach is probably to 
update a full copy locally with a stock rsync, then let backuppc back 
that up to keep a history.

   Les Mikesell

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