
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:56, Matthias Meyer<matthias.me...@gmx.li> wrote:
> As an alternative you can place the following script in /etc/crontab.
> #!/bin/bash
> declare -a hosts
> hosts[0]=server1        # fill in your own host names
> hosts[1]=server2        # whose backup should be canceld
> hosts[2]=server3
> declare -i hostcount=3  # configure your count of killable hosts
> ps ax | grep "BackupPC_dump -i" | grep -v grep > /tmp/runnings
> while read pid fl1 fl2 duration perl dump fl3 host rest
> do
>        for (( a=0; a<hostcount; a++ ))
>        do
>                if [ $host == ${hosts[a]} ]; then kill -9 $pid > /dev/null 
> 2>&1; fi
>        done
> done < /tmp/runnings
> exit 0

Not only "kill -9" should not be used in normal circumstances (as
already pointed out by Chris), as the script could be simplified:

hosts="server1 server2 server3" # list of servers in a string
ps ax | grep "BackupPC_dump -i" | grep -v grep | while read pid fl1
fl2 duration perl dump fl3 host rest; do
    for i in $hosts; do
        if [ x"$host" = x"$i" ]; then
            kill "$pid" >/dev/null 2>&1

1) Use a list of hosts and iterate with "for i in $hosts" instead of
using C style iteration with number of elements in an array.
2) No need to use a temporary file, use |while on the output of ps instead.
3) Use "kill" instead of "kill -9"
4) Once a host is found, use "break" so that it does not iterate to
the end of the list of hosts.

You can even create a script file in which you remove the first hosts=
line and replace "for i in $hosts; do" with "for i; do", in which case
you can call it like this:

# ./killbackups.sh server1 server2 server3


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