Tino Schwarze wrote:


Hello Tino,

> If I remember correctly, this should be
>       $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {
>         'cle' =>  [
>           '/stow-1.3.3'
>         ]
>       };
> And the second one should be:
>       $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = [
>         'cle' =>  [
>           '*.flv'
>         ]
>       };

thank you very much! This did the trick! My fault was, that the key was 
not the share's name. Adam also shown me correctly in his example, but I 
oversaw the share's name therein ... sorry for the noise :-}

But now (with syntax corrected like you wrote in the follow up), all 
works as intended and my patch is not necessary anymore :-)

> Have a look at the default configuration file, it's explained there very
> verbosely.

Also thank you for that tip! I did configure BackupPC as much as 
possible from the web interface. So indeed I did not look very far in 
the config.pl. But this will be my next thing to do, so that I will 
(hopyfully) not do again such stupid mistake ...

Thanks again for your and Adam's help.

Regards and ciao,
chin :-)

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