Koen Linders wrote:
> Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
>> On 08/26 12:57 , Osburn, Michael wrote:
>>> I am trying to backup my backuppc server while excluding the backups
>>> directory. No matter what I put under excludes in the config, I still
>>> end up with the cpool and pc directories in my backups.
>> You misunderstand the exclude syntax. Here's an example for a (SMB) share
>> named 'c$':
>> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>>        'c$' => [
>>         '/RECYCLER', 
>>         '/winnt/tmp', 
>>         '/temp', 
>>         '/WUTemp', 
>>         '/WINDOWS', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/Local Settings/Temporary Internet
> Files/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/Local Settings/history/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/Cookies/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/Favorites/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/IETldCache/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/IECompatCache/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/NetHood/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/PrivacIE/', 
>>         '/Documents and Settings/*/PrintHood/', 
>>         '/pagefile.sys', 
>>         '/hiberfil.sys',
>>         ]
>>    };
> hmm ... I'm having some problems with smb-tar excludes, too (my first 
> smb client because of never ending VISTA 64-bit related issues with 
> DeltaCopy and/or cygwin-rsyncd) and I read on:
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/backuppc/index.php?title=Smb_exclude
>>    1.  Backslashes (\) seem to be the only effective way to get smbclient
> to correctly exclude files.
>>    2. Subfolders need to be followed by a \* to be correctly excluded.
>>    3. Files off of the root of the share need to be prepended by an extra
> backslash to be correctly excluded.
>>    4. Folders off of the root of the share need to be prepended by an
> extra backslash to be correctly excluded. 
> Maybe I should try it your way then ... ;-)
> Bernhard
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> I backup Windows Vista without a problem with Deltacopy. I mainly followed
> one of the wiki pages to exclude the 'junction points'. There is more stuff
> than necessary in the one I list below, but I can't find the Wiki pages
> (what happened there?)
> Ah, here is the link to the specific page for Vista
> www.cs.umd.edu/~cdunne/projs/backuppc_guide.html
> Also mind the {ClientCharset}.
> Greetings,
> Koen Linders
Thanks for the tips, Koen,
I followed all these instructions (at least I think I did ;-)), but my 
problems were not related to excludes, I simply got no connection to the 
"@ERROR: chdir failed", so maybe a permission denied error due to ACL or 
Unfortunately I had no time to investigate any further (the workstation 
is down right now so I can't provide any logs).
Should I use "CYGWIN=ntsec tty" with DeltaCopy, too?
Whatever virtual directory I defined didn't show up when I connected 
(rsync -av u...@host::), only the standard share "Backup" was displayed.
Are you running the 64bit version?


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