Jon Craig wrote:
> 2009/8/31 Christian Völker <>:
>> Yohoo!
>>> With backuppc the issue is not so much fragmentation within a file as
>>> the distance between the directory entry, the inode, and the file
>>> content.  When creating a new file, filesystems generally attempt to
>>> allocate these close to each other, but when you link an existing file
>>> into a new directory, that obviously can't be done so you end up with a
>>> lot of long seeks when you try to traverse directories picking up the
>>> inode info.
> I believe you are mistaken in this.  Your confusing directory entries
> with inode entries. 

No, I'm saying that the filesystem has a choice about what inode and 
free space to use when the first entry is created.  And a sensible 
filesystem will try to cluster them or at least keep the inodes 
allocated for files created in the same directory close together.

> When you hard link a file from one directory to
> another you have two directory entries pointing to the same inode.

And the new directory entry may be all the way across the disk from the 
existing inode - and far from any other inode in this directory.

> You can do a simple test by touching a file and then make a hard link
> to a new file and list with "ls -li".  You will see that both files
> share the same inode number.

And, assuming you have enough disk activity to keep the cache out of 
date, that 'ls -l' will have to move the disk head to the directory 
location and then the inode to get the data - if you list many files in 
the same directory that were links to existing files, the head may have 
to seek all over the place to get the inoded data.

    Les Mikesell

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