Mike Bianchi wrote:
> If you are browsing a backup and click on a filename ("y" in this example)
> you get a pop-up dialog tilted  Opening y  with the text:
>       You have chosen to open
>               y
>               which is a: BIN file
>               from: http://mymachine
>       Would you like to save this file?
>                       [ Cancel ]    [ Save File ]
> If I click [ Save File ]  a window pops up and disappears too fast to see
> anything and the file is not restored in position.
> I cannot find any documentation that explains clicking on a filename in any
> detail.

This behavior is up to your browser.  Backuppc just downloads it to you. 
       If the file doesn't have an extension that your browser 
recognizes, it will just offer to save the file.  Where it goes is up to 
your browser configuration.

>  The closest I can find, in the man page, is:
>       You can download a single backup file at any time simply by
>       selecting it.  Your browser should prompt you with the file name and
>       ask you whether to open the file or save it to disk.
> The LOG file contains the record:
> 2009-09-08 14:43:26 User backuppc recovered file 
> localhost/266:/home//mbianchi/lib/y 
> (/var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost/265/f%2fhome/fmbianchi/flib/fy)

Yes, that's what happened.

> I'm guessing that the problem is the disappearing popup is supposed to
> stick around for an answer, but doesn't.
> Can anyone suggest how to proceed?

Check your browser configuration to see where downloaded files go - or 
change it to ask each time.

   Les Mikesell

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