BackupPC was running fine for months, until 2009-09-09:

2009-09-07 20:00:51 full backup started for directory /home (baseline  
backup #93)
2009-09-07 20:40:34 full backup 94 complete, 37541 files, 65594172853  
bytes, 0 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 0 other)
2009-09-07 20:40:34 removing full backup 68
2009-09-08 20:00:52 incr backup started back to 2009-09-07 20:00:51  
(backup #94) for directory /home
2009-09-08 20:01:56 incr backup 95 complete, 121 files, 86785025  
bytes, 0 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 0 other)
2009-09-08 20:01:56 removing incr backup 88
2009-09-09 20:00:42 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-09-09 21:00:02 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-09-09 22:00:02 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib

Red Hat _may_ have had a "yum update" about that time, so I checked  
the perl modules:

$ yum list all | grep -i zlib
perl-Compress-Zlib.x86_64   1.42-1.fc6        installed
perl-IO-Zlib.noarch         1.04-4.2.1        installed

I reinstalled them for fun - no change. BackupPC is still logging:

2009-10-06 03:00:01 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-10-06 04:00:02 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-10-06 08:02:02 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-10-06 08:05:32 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib
2009-10-06 08:14:07 dump failed: can't find Compress::Zlib

This is not happening on my debian installs, but this is my only  
redhat es5 install.

Anyone have any ideas, hints, or guesses of what else I can try?

Kent Behrends
BEHR Consulting International

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