Hello all!

I have had a disk crash and now I need to restore my files. Restoring through as a ZIP-file file works fine, but I'm also interested in restoring "directly" with rsync, but I can't get it to work. All that is created is an empty folder where I choosed to restore the files. The log says all is fine:

2009-10-07 20:21:51 restore started below directory erikdata to host eddie 
2009-10-07 20:22:11 restore 1 complete (80 files, 10326140 bytes, 0 dirs, 0 

My setup:
Backuppc 3.0.0 on Ubuntu 8.04
Client is Windows Vista with Deltacopy 1.3 for rsync functions.

I have looked into the rights for the Deltacopy service running on the client. It's running as the "local system", and the user "SYSTEM" has all rights on the created folder. My guess is that this should be sufficient.

Any thoughts, hints, solutions?

Thanks and kind regards
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