
Patric Hafner wrote on 2009-10-08 16:29:54 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] Pooling 
doesn't work]:
> i'm running BackupPC 3.1.0 with Debian Lenny. BackupPC is responsible
> for about 5 Clients which are backupped over rsync/ssh.
> My problem is, that during an incremental backup nearly every file is
> marked as "create", so nearly every file will be downloaded again.
> About 20% are marked as "pool".
> But those files marked as "create" haven't changed since the last run,
> timestamps are still the same. For example the whole /etc directory will
> be downloaded every day. And I can surely say that nothing changed there.
> [...]
> Does anyone has an idea? This would be great.

yes, you are probably incorrectly using incremental backups, but since you
don't say anything about your configuration, we can only guess.

Level 1 incremental backups download everything that has changed since the
last full backup. Presuming your last full was long ago, or you have modified
your configuration since then (e.g. changed from a test backup of, say, /lib,
to a full backup of all of your root file system), you will be downloading
everything changed or added since the last full backup with every incremental.

Run a full backup and see if the following incrementals behave better. If so,
send us some details about your configuration (esp. full and incremental
backup scheduling settings) to let us help you adjust your schedule. In short:
you *need* regular full backups.


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