Robert Furman wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I recently found BackupPC and like what I see.  A few questions though..
> Most of these are related to backing up on a Windows ServerWorktation.
> Which of these can BackupPC satisfy?
> Support for OpenFiles/VSS
Yes. There are pre execute scripts as well as a rsync patch which support
I do successfull back up Windows XP as well as Windows Vista with VSS.
> FTP and/or SSH and/or WebDav
Backuppc supports SSH out of the box.
> Encryption
Only transport encryption (SSH). For content encryption you can use
rsyncrypto which must encrypt the data before rsync will transport them.
The disadvantage is you have the data twice on the client. Encrypted as well
as in "cleartext".
> Compression
Yes. I believe gzip based.
> Local Backups
What you mean with that?
> Ghosting/Image Level Backups Images
> (Can be separate Application - Remote Triggered) 
No Image Backup. As for encryption/rsyncrypto you can create an Image local
and backup this with backuppc.
> Brick Level Updates
What you mean with that?
> E-Mail Notification of Success/Failure
Yes, but only in case of failures (I blieve)
> Exchange Support
No, if you mean something other than VSS
> Resource Efficient
Yes, yes and yes. I have backed up 3TB which use 400GB on my drives.
> Support for Server 2000 -> 2008R2 and Desktop XP -> Windows 7
Yes, if you provide the fileshares from windows clients to your backuppc
server. I would advise to use rsync and then it depends if cygwin (or
cwRsync as an alternative) would run on this.

> Thanks,
> Robert

In principal backuppc call user defined routines before and after backups.
You have to write this routines to do things what you want.
e.g. login into the client and create a volume shadow copy, or encrypt data
or make a image copy from a volume. You can do that with windows tools or
with linux/cygwin tools.
Backuppc do nothing of this "Out of the Box".
Backuppc use tools like rsync or samba to receive data from the client.
Compress them, find identical files and save space on the servers harddisk.
It provide a usefull Web-GUI to start backups manual as well as select and
restore data.

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