Chris Bennett wrote at about 16:32:03 +1030 on Sunday, November 22, 2009:
 > Hi All,
 > I'm hoping to catch the eye of some clever combined BackupPC/Windows
 > admins that can tell me what I'm trying to do will not work, or can
 > help me to understand why what I'm doing isn't working... :)
 > In a test environment, I'm trying to perform a file-level backup of a
 > Windows 2003 R2 server using BackupPC, along with any additional
 > metadata required, in order to perform a bare metal restore in the
 > future.
 > The backup procedure I'm using is:
 > - Cygwin 1.7, rsync 3.0.6, OpenSSH on Windows server
 > - backup via rsync method from BackupPC
 > - dump of file acl's using fileacl and subinacl
 > - ntbackup of systemstate to c:\systemstate.bkf
 > - performing VSS snapshot and backing the logical mapped drive via
 >   backuppc
 > Recovery procedure tested so far:
 > - new VM/hard disk
 > - partition / make active / NTFS formate via Win2003 Recovery Console
 > - copy data via Linux rescue cd to NTFS volume (from backuppc
 >   recovered zip file)
 > - re-apply filesystem permissions via a second virtual machine (map
 >   the VMWare .vmdk file to a working Win2k3 machine, then restore
 >   acl's via fileacl or subinacl (tried both))
 > - run fixboot / fixmbr from Windows recovery console
 > Booting the system results in:
 >   STOP:c0000218 {Registry File Failure}
 >   The registry cannot load the hive (file):
 >   \SystemRoot\System32\Config\DEFAULT
 >   or its log or alternate.
 >   It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.
 > I've also tested a straight cygwin/rsync between VSS snapshot, and a second
 > drive accessible in the source Windows machine, and applying ACL's, 
 > installing
 > boot loader, and then trying to boot from that second drive, with the same
 > results.
 > Is this a case of not possible?  I've seen enough references to performing an
 > ASR restore followed by a file-level for data, and that is a possibility for 
 > my
 > final solution, but I'd like to konw if a purely file-level + required 
 > metadata
 > is possible.
 > I'm yet to work out how to perform a system-state restore without an already
 > working system too - that may be another way to make the system bootable 
 > after the above restore procedure.
 > I do know that a Repair Install of Win2k3 R2 does bring the system back to
 > life, but that seems so invasive on the file-level restore.
 > Any responses / advice / feedback would be much appreciated.
 > Regards,
 > Chris Bennett
 > cgb

I'm very interested in this topic since I have been spending a lot of
time developing my "shadowmountrsync" routines which attempt to
automate the backup part of your approach outlined above. So far I
have robustly implemented startup of shadows and backup of acls (using
subinacl and/or getfacl).

Couple of questions:
1. What is 'fileacl' and how is it better/worse than subinacl? 
   (which seems to backup all the ACL info (vs. the limited getfacl

2. What does the "ntbackup of systemstate" add?
   If I understand that better, I would be happy to add it as an
   additional option to shadowmountrsync.

Please keep me informed on your progress on getting bare-metal
restores to work. I am very interested in getting this all working.

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